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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

Ken Whyld Association

Meijer: Scheveningen 1905
Listing # 11072
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €80,00
Starting bid: €15,00
# of bids: 12
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Sweden
Started: 2018-03-01 01:00:00
Ended: 2018-03-10 20:10:00
Seller: LSAK (5047)  
High Bidder(s): Ajedro (239)
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H. D. B. Meijer: Vierde Internationale Schaakwedstrijd. Hoofdklasse. Gehouden van 1-10 Augustus te Scheveningen 1905. 

In Dutch. Samengesteld door H. D. B. Meijer, Amsterdam, Secretaris van den Nederlandschen Schaakbond.

82 of the 91 played games annotated in detail. 1) Frank J. Marshall 11½/13 (+11 =1 -1); 2) Benjamin Leussen 9; 3) Rudolf Spielmann 8½; 4-5) Rudolf Swiderski & Oldrich Duras 8; 6) Rudolf Johannes Loman 7½; 7) Paul S. Leonardt 7; 8) Arthur Reggio 6; 9-10) Jan Willem te Kolsté & G. Shories 5½; 11) D. Bleijkmans 5; 12) Gerard C. A. Oskam 3½; 13-14) Johannes F. S. Esser & Cornelius Trimborn 3.

L/N 5274. Stoom-Snelpersdruk, Koch & Knuttel Gouda, s.a. (1905). Frontispeace of the participants. 93 pp paperback. 16 x 24 cm. Cover in plastic. Content loose. Pen notes to the game Marshall-Duras from Über Land und Meer (see scan). Otherwise very good condition. Scarce tournament book.

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