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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

Averbakh's Selected games.
Listing # 11270
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €12,00
Starting bid: €5,00
# of bids: 7
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Sweden
Started: 2018-06-01 01:00:00
Ended: 2018-06-10 19:26:20
Seller: LSAK (5047)  
High Bidder(s): strong_collector (19)
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Averbakh's Selected games.

Grandmaster Mark Taimanov is one of the most consistently successful players of the post-war era. A grandmaster since 1952, he twice qualified as a Candidate for the World Championship and his numerous tournament victories include the Soviet Championship in 1956 and the World Veterans' Championship in 1993. Taimanov has made many significant contributions to opening theory and is the author of numerous openings books. In this highly instructive book, translated by Ken Neat, Taimanov presents an annotated selection of the best games from his long and illustrious career. This title contains 60 deeply annotated games and reveals Taimanov's personal approach to chess. The games are grouped by strategical motif to maximize instructional value. "Cadogan Chess Series". 1998. 190 pages. Figurine notation. 

Condition: VG. 

Seller (73)

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