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Y.Vladimirov, Po stranitsam ljubimogo zhurnala -2, 2018
Listing # 13765
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €48,00
Starting bid: €20,00
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# of bids: 7
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Germany
Started: 2019-02-22 09:00:00
Ended: 2019-02-26 19:04:00
Seller: Problemist67 (675)  
High Bidder(s): jl4646 (124)
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Yakov Vladimirov, Po stranitsam ljubimogo zhurnala -2 (Through the pages of favorite magazine), Moscow,  2018, 236 pages, blue sofrcover, only 32 copies!

The author's articles from the journal "64-Chess review" about the connection of chess and composition with 539 examples.

#18 from Bibliothek of "Chess Composition".

New brand.


Note from seller (added 2019-02-23 11:21:40):
This book is continuation of the first part
Seller accepts PayPal payments
Tax: 5%
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