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Ken Whyld Association

Bent Larsen. Alle Figuren greifen an.
Listing # 13773
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €20,00
Starting bid: €5,00
# of bids: 14
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Sweden
Started: 2019-03-01 01:00:00
Ended: 2019-03-10 19:47:39
Seller: LSAK (5047)  
High Bidder(s): gslaire (35)
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Bent Larsen. Alle Figuren greifen an.

This unique work (the first of two volumes on the work of Bent Larsen) offers about 40 percent new material, with selected games until 1973.

Of particular interest is how Larsen deals with the legendary figure of Robert James Fischer. Many of Fischer's honors are marked by Larsen's "light feather" and fine irony. He thus brings us close to the reality of this American genius and many other greats of that time.

Bent Larsen's goal with this book is not only to construct technical, deeply detailed commentaries, but to provide the reader with insightful psychological details on each of his small works of art. " Figurine notation. Hardback. 328 pages.

Condition: VG.

Seller (77). 

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