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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi


Johansen, Peter Kinggaard. Dansk Skakbibliografi 1973 - 1982
Listing # 17943
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Listing Format: Fixed Price
Price per item: Buy Now for €10,00
Quantity: 1
Closes: 113 Days, 5 Hours
Location: Sweden
Started : 2023-10-29 19:59:17
Ends: 2024-10-17 19:59:17
Seller: Nimzowitsch (162)  
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Johansen, Peter Kinggaard. Dansk Skakbibliografi 1973 - 1982.

Dansk Skakbibliografi 1973 - 1982. Bibliografisk fortegnelse over skakbøger, småtryk og periodica. Speciale ved Danmarks Biblioteksskole april 1982. Bibliographical list on chess books, broschures and periodicals, published from 1973 to 1982. Listed in 12 categories. Index. Typescript. No illustrations. 70 pages. 20,5 cm. Paperback, glued. Skakcentralens forlag, 2007.

Very good condition. 

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Payment Details: Banktransfer or Paypal + 5%
Price: €10,00
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