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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

Ken Whyld Association

Holzhausen, Brinckmann, Bad Ems 1932
Listing # 26108
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €40,00
Starting bid: €30,00
# of bids: 6
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Czech Republic
Started: 2021-02-09 00:35:34
Ended: 2021-02-13 20:34:38
Seller: Boletus27 (595)  
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High Bidder(s): Colonel_Moreau (3)
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Holzhausen Walther von, Brinckmann Alfred, Deutscher Nachwuchs im Schachkampf. Das Aufstiegturnier des Deutschen Schachbundes in Bad Ems vom 24. März bis 7. April 1932. The German Chess Federation's Candidate tournament in Bad Ems from March 24 to April 7, 1932. All 28 games from the tournament with detailed annotations in German. Special edition of the Deutschen Schachblätter. 36 pages. Leipzig, Ronniger, (1932). LN 5455.

Exlibris Ilja Mikan.

Condition - Good to Very Good: only slightly wrinkled.

Seller accepts PayPal payments
Payment Details: Payment by bank transfer (preferred) or by PayPal (plus 5%) and the shipping costs. I will e-mail you to confirm the total price. You always pay just the real postage. The packing material is free!
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