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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

Der Sammler 1913.
Listing # 31130
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €15,00
Starting bid: €5,00
# of bids: 6
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Sweden
Started: 2022-03-01 01:00:00
Ended: 2022-03-10 20:01:00
Seller: LSAK (4979)  
High Bidder(s): Foreign_member (1559)
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Der Sammler 1913.

Der Sammler. Belletristische Unterhaltungsbeilage zur " München - Augsburger Abendzeitung ". Edited by Karl Stolz in München. 

Since 1884, In the Unterhaltungsbeilage zur " München - Augsburger Abendzeitung a regularly recurring chess column has appeared in about every 3 issues on page 8 with consecutively numbered problems, games, club news, announcements of chess literature, etc.

This chess column is now available as a reprint in book form. 140 pages. Privately printed by Wolfgang Pähtz.

Condition: New. This copy is no. 2. 

Seller (121)

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