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Ken Whyld Association


Grondijs: Paul Morphy. Limited to 50 copies.
Listing # 33955
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : (GBP) £525,00
(EUR) €623,44
Starting bid: (GBP) £90,00
(EUR) €106,88
# of bids: 22
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Great Britain (UK)
Started: 2022-06-15 21:56:05
Ended: 2022-06-22 19:50:00
Seller: 64squares (165)
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High Bidder(s): Rain Man (1141)
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Harrie Grondijs: First and Last Days of Paul Morphy by Leona Queyrouze and other Morphyana. Introduced and Annotated by Harrie Grondijs. RUEB, 2008.

As new p/b with d/w. 209pp., illus., (no games). LIMITED TO 50 NUMBERED AND SIGNED COPIES. "Brings together a number of contemporary reminiscences of Paul Morphy and his world, placing him against the background of the Creole culture into which he was born", also his personal decline after his chess career ended, most published here in book form for the first time.


If successful I will email with the best shipping options.


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