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Ken Whyld Association


Soukup: Abbe Durand and his theory of pawn endings, 1947
Listing # 43883
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €16,00
Starting bid: €5,00
# of bids: 9
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Czech Republic
Started: 2024-04-30 18:47:24
Ended: 2024-05-07 20:55:00
Seller: Boletus27 (595)  
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High Bidder(s): Jon Edwards (177)
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Soukup, Miroslav. Abbe Durand a jeho theorie pescovych koncovek. Sdruzeni sachovych skladatelu a resitelu. Praha, 1947. In Czech. 14 pages. Size 14,5 x 10,3 cm. A special print of the magazine Sachove umeni 1947 published as a promotional copy. LN 2342, Soukup 112. Original softcover.


A small booklet on the theory of key (critical) squares in the pawn endings. This theory was thought to have been invented and developed by Czech problemists (Drtina, Dedrle) at the beginning of the 20th century, but then it turned out that it had been described as early as 1860 by the French philosophy professor and chess writer Philipp Ambrois abbé Durand (1799 - 1880) in the journal La Régence.


Condition - Good to Very Good: uncut leaves, slight folds.

Seller accepts PayPal payments
Payment Details: Payment by bank transfer (preferred), by PayPal (plus 5%) or by Wise. For non-EU customers, I recommend using Wise. Unlike PayPal, there are almost no fees. I will e-mail you to confirm the total price. You always pay just the real postage. The packing material is free!
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