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Ken Whyld Association

Stubnianské Teplice 1930 - Autographs of Liliental etc
Listing # 44368
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €190,00
Starting bid: €15,00
# of bids: 15
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Sweden
Started: 2024-06-01 01:00:00
Ended: 2024-06-10 20:30:00
Seller: LSAK (4981)  
High Bidder(s): Rain Man (1141)
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Stubnianské Teplice 1930 - Autographs of Liliental, Eliskases, H Steiner, J Engel, M Folkmann, J Perl and V Kovar. 

The tournament was played 17-29 August 1930. Andor Lilienthal won with 9/12.

The photo is most probably from the Slovak Chess Championship 1930-31. On the photo Heinrich Lax plays White against Andrej Pazman [1911-1962]. Slovak champion 1941.

On the back side of the photo are nine autographs. Seven is identified as Andor Lilienthal, Erich Eliskases, Herman Steiner and Jindrich Engel from Stubnanské Teplice 1930 and the others from the Slovak Chess Championship 1930-31: Martin Folkmann, Juraj Perl and Vladimir Kovar. 

Condition VG.  

Seller (346)

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