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Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

Ken Whyld Association

Jonny Hector: Tusen och en Schack. Signed.
Listing # 44398
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €57,00
Starting bid: €5,00
# of bids: 27
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Sweden
Started: 2024-06-01 01:00:00
Ended: 2024-06-10 20:37:00
Seller: LSAK (5047)  
High Bidder(s): tchigo (513)
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Jonny Hector: Tusen och en Schack. Jonny Hectors berättelser från schackets värld. Signed by GM Jonny Hector.

In Swedish. 'Thousand and One Chess. Jonny Hector's Stories from the World of Chess'.

"After school and military service Jonny Hector decided to travel around as a chess pro. To keep the joy he put a goal that every game should contain a least one position that deserved a diagram in a magazine or book.

40 years later the travel still goes on and now the book comes at last. With his gratuitous humor and self-distancing Hector shares those stories and drippy chess games that he still see various games as an adventure.  

Like Scheherazade, Hector has given himself the task of entertaining so that readers want to turn to the next chapter. At the same time the book gives an unique behind-the-scenes insight inte life as a chess pro.

Hector [born 1964] was brought up in Malmö [Sweden] and lives since many years in Elsinore [Denmark]. He was international grand master in 1991 and Swedish champion in 2002 and 2022. His creative aggressive chess has made him a crowd favorite." [Schackbutiken]

271 pages hardcover, 18 x 22 cm. Schackstudion, Lund, 2023. Lots of photos and diagrams. ISBN 978-91-519-8162-8. 1,200 copies printed.

Condition: Brand new. 

Seller (5)

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