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Ken Whyld Association

Antikvariska Bokhandeln

Kimmo Välkesalmi

Malmö 1926 (Program)
Listing # 44710
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €44,00
Starting bid: €5,00
# of bids: 12
Closes: Auction is closed
Location: Denmark
Started: 2024-05-29 06:37:06
Ended: 2024-06-02 20:03:02
Seller: smaug (372)
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High Bidder(s): NoHao (492)
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Stadsmatchen i Schack, Malmö-Köpenhamn, söndagen den 26 sept. 1926 å Frimurarehotellet.

Swedish program from the city match between Copenhagen and Malmö.

Presentations and photo of some of the players. 16 pages. Not in L/N. Dansk Skakkatalog page 40.

Förlagsaktiebolaget, Malmö 1926.

Condition: Publisher's paperback. Some wear. Paper yellowed especially close to the edge. Has been folded. "Cover" is cracked at the top and bottom.

Approx. unpacked weight: 50 g.

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