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Ken Whyld Association

Programmheft: Dr. Erwin Voellmy-Gedenkturnier (1952)
Listing # 45019
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Listing Format: Auction
Current price : €10,00
Starting bid: €10,00
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# of bids: 1
Closes: 95 Days, 5 Hours
Location: Switzerland
Started: 2024-06-17 04:45:00
Ends: 2024-09-29 22:00:00
Seller: kick_the_habit (0)
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High Bidder(s): holdco (764)
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Programmheft: Dr. Erwin Voellmy-Gedenkturnier (1952)

16 pages, brochure, 14.5 x 21 cm

Erwin Voellmy, Swiss chess champion in 1920 and 1922 and prolific author of chess books and countless newspaper columns, died at the beginning of 1951. A year later, a memorial tournament was organised in his honour in Basel (Switzerland) and this brochure summarises the conditions provided for it, gives a brief outline of Voellmy's life and presents eight original problems.

• paper browned
• tournament table filled in with pencil
• otherwise, good copy


Weight: 0
Dimensions:  0 x 0 x 0
Seller accepts PayPal payments
Current Bid: €10,00
Bid Increment: €2,00
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