The Chess Player's Chronicle 1843. Vol. 4. 
Edited by Howard Staunton.
The Chess Player's Chronicle 1843. Vol. 4.
Published monthly, Jan-Dec. Some diagrams. Descriptive notation. Preface (ii), 385 pages. Index on pages 383-385. Year in Roman letters on colored title page shows 1844 which is the publication year for the bound volume. Colored title page, L/N 6123. van der Linde II, 120. Betts 7 - 1.
The magazine was published in the period from 1841 to 1902, initially monthly, from the 5th series vol 5, 1881 weekly. It contains reports on endgames, games, tournaments, openings, problems and short articles on various topics in chess. The magazine was set up to be of interest to all classes of chess players.
Condition: Privately bound. Paper yellowed. Corners bumped. Title page partly detached. Black title field on spine.
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