Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten 1931. Vol 11.
Three loose issues.
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Kagans Neueste Schachnachrichten 1931. Vol. 11.
No. 5, 10 and 11-12. Algebraic notation. Many diagrams. A few photos in text. Index, 2 pages was published on p. 262-263. No title page issued. Fernschach vol 3. was distributed within each monthly issue in 1931. Fernschach vol 3 was an integral part of each monthly issue (glued/stichted into). Fernschach had its own pagination. Paper covers with ads on the inside and on the back page. 23 cm. Stapled. Bernhard Kagan, Berlin. L/N 6073. Kieler Schachkatalog 142. Felice 1236.
Condition: In loose parts. VG.
Seller (54)
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