Copenhagen/Würzburg/Zürich/Rappersvil 1951
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Copenhagen/Würzburg/Zürich/Rappersvil 1951
Suomen akateemisen shakkkimaajonkkueen kilpailumatka kesällä 1951
Finlands akademiske skaklandsholds turneringsrejse sommeren 1951
Die Turnierreise der finnischen akademischen Schachmannschaft im Sommer 1951
All the games from the matches shown in the scans. No annotations or diagrams. 20 pages.
20 pages. Printed single-sided.
Not in L/N. Dansk Skakkatalog page 40.
Helsinki (1951)
Condition: Publisher's softback. Slight wear. Paper yellowed especially close to the edge. One corner is slightly bumped. Cover is faded near the edge and slightly soiled. Few stained pages inside. Few penned annotations.
Approx. unpacked weight: 150 g.
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