Kagan: Niendorf 1927
Das internationale Schachmeisterturnier im Ostseebad Niendorf 1927
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Kagan: Niendorf 1927
Das internationale Schachmeisterturnier im Ostseebad Niendorf 1927
The international chess master tournament in the Ostseebad Niendorf from 6 th to 14 th August 1927.
All 28 games. Many annotations and diagrams.
59 pages.
L/N 5416. Kieler Schachkatalog 3774.
Language: German.
Schachverlag Bernhard Kagan, Berlin (1927).
Condition: Publisher's hardback. Slight wear. Paper yellowed. Cover is slightly soiled.
Approx. unpacked weight: 220 g.
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