Con el agua al cuello, by Sergio Picatoste * Up to his neck in water *
El ahogado en el ajedrez * The drowning man in chess *
Hispano Europea, Barcelona, 2005, in Spanish, paperback, 128 pp, 245 grams, fine condition.
Stalemate draws have always aroused the admiration of amateurs for their spectacular and unbelievable nature, but until now no work had been dedicated entirely to unraveling their mysteries. Stalemate is treated in this book from various points of view, ranging from purely psychological factors, such as the players' mood, to strictly technical ones, which involve studying and memorizing model positions. Each example consists of two diagrams that reflect the starting situation and the final stalemate position, so that the book can be read without a board and even used - especially in its last chapter - as a manual of tactical exercises.
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