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Marian STERE - RO-ABC. Romania – A Bibliography of Chess.

Bibliografia şahului românesc

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marian stere Bucaresti, Romania RO
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Marian STERE – RO-ABC. – A Bibliography of Chess. Bibliografia şahului românesc, 2009. The book is mainly in English language (~ 95%!), with several small fragments in Romanian.

RO-ABC is a comprehensive bibliography, covering all the Romanian chess books, magazines, regulations, tournament bulletins ever published, and most of the titles from literature and philately domain. Many miscellaneous items were added.

The items are arranged chronologically, in each chapter. For all the chess books and magazines, each title is illustrated with the image of the original front cover (as well as for many titles of tournament bulletins, regulations, literature, philately, miscellanea).

Around 800 entries, of which 663 numbered (613 being distinct items). Around 550 images: cca. 385 are covers of books/magazines, 40 signatures, 10 photos of authors etc.

300 pages, fully coloured, size 14x20 cm, hard covers, de luxe paper (115 gr.). This is a de luxe limited edition in 222 copies (of which 72 are not for sale), numbered and signed by the author.

#13 in “arhiȘAH / Gambit (ROU)” series.


Netto weight: 0,610 kg. Shipping cost will be added. Combined shipping accepted. Good discount for more copies (> 5-10) ordered!


Some readers' opinions:

First of all, my congratulations. This de luxe edition – printed on very good paper – is a wonderful book and I think it will be a mile-stone in Chess-literature. I can imagine how much time you had to spend in order to finish this work. Really it´s great and very valuable. [R. Glenk, GER]

I think this book gives a good view what has been published on chess, especially in a part of the world most chessplayers in the West are unaware off. I congratulate you with this excellent book! [L. Spaans, NLD]

Limited edition copy […] is in front of me as I write. Before I purchased it I did wonder if there would be value for money […] in a 300-page book. But I need not have worried — the information and quite remarkable richesse of coloured illustrations both “bowl me over”. I am very happy to have your wonderful, and ground-breaking, book. The only difficulty is where to place it on my bookshelves! Congratulations! There will be a review in EG. [J. Roycroft, UK]

Your book has arrived […] It is a pleasure to look at. I have already spent a lot of time looking through it and I must find some more time … Congratulations on such a fine work. [T. Gillam, UK]

The book looks very nice, especially printed on the de luxe paper and with all the coloured illustrations, and clear to read. [T. Peterson, UK]

The RO-ABC is really your master piece. At the first glance I am deeply impressed by your research work but also by the way of presentation (coloured photos) you choose. [M. Negele, GER]

Your book RO-ABC arrived […]. I must tell you it is WONDERFUL! I cannot stop reading it. The production is excellent with so many color photos, very clear explanations, and an enormous amount of information. [A. Savage, USA]

A very good looking bibliography with detailed content. [P. Holmgren, SWE]

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