64square's auction is now in progress and will end TOMORROW on 15 March.
capa64's auction is now in progress and will end on 16 March.
Berlin 1926 & Dresden 1926 
Internationales Schachturnier in Berlin & Der Jubiläums-Schachkongress zu Dresde
- Sold Winning Bid: 12,33 € EUR
- 4 Bid(s) View Bid History
- High Bidder: HHOT
Berlin 1926 & Dresden 1926
Internationales Schachturnier in Berlin & Der Jubiläums-Schachkongress zu Dresden
Two tournaments in one binding.
Hans Kmoch: Internationales Schachturnier in Berlin vom 16. bis 28. November 1926 veranstaltet von der Freien Schach-Vereinigung. All 45 games. Some annotatiuons and diagrams.
Palitzsch & Wiarda: Der Jubiläums-Schachkongress zu Dresden, Ostern1926. Festschrift des Dresdner Schachvereins. Only band 2. All 45 games. Some annotations and diagrams.
84 & 99 pages.
L/N 5392 & L/N 5393.
Language: German.
Schachverlag Bernhard Kagan, Berlin 1926 & Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Leipzig 1926.
Condition: Privately bound hardback with print on spine. Some wear. Paper yellowed especially close to the edge. Covers not bound in. Few small spots. Few penned annotations.
Approx. unpacked weight: 450 g.
There are no questions for this listing.