Lund Chess Academy's auction is now in progress and will end on 10 March.
Robert Sahlbergs problem collection. 1837-1922 
Newspaper cuttings from contemporary Newspapers.
Robert Sahlbergs problem collection. 1837-1922. Newspaper cuttings from contemporary Newspapers. 2 volumes. Approximately 200 un-numbered leaves.
Robert Sahlberg (1837-1922) was a Swedish chess problemist and author. Born in Stockholm, he was known for composing chess problems, particularly in direct mates in two, three, and more moves. His notable achievement includes winning the first prize in the problemist competition at the 5th American Chess Congress held in New York in 1880.
Sahlberg published much of his work in chess magazines such as Tidskrift för Schack and Nordiske Skakproblemer. He also authored the book "Schackgropen i La Croix's café i bazaren å Norrbro: några gamla minnen ur Stockholms forna schacklif" (1903), which reflects on the chess life in Stockholm.
2 Volumes.
Condition: Paper yellowed.
Seller (401)
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