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Mes 60 MEILLEURES PARTIES * My 60 memorables games *

Selectionnees et annotees par Bobby Fischer * selected and fully annotated

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Remaining Time 30 Days, 10:06:33
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Editions Stock, Paris, 1er trimestre 1972, the 1st edition in french language, hardback, dustjacket missing, 384 pp, 530 grams, fair condition.

My 60 Memorable Games, by Bobby Fischer, first published in 1969 is a collection of his games dating from the 1957 New Jersey Open to the 1967 Sousse Interzonal. Unlike many players' anthologies, which are often titled My Best Games and include only wins or draws, My 60 Memorable Games includes nine draws and three losses. It has been described as a "classic of objective and painstaking analysis" and is regarded as one of the great pieces of chess literature.

Cet ouvrage témoigne du génie de Fischer par la haute conception des parties qui nous sont présentées. La profondeur des analyses, les remarques incisives du commentaire et le soin apporté à l'étude des ouvertures font de "Mes 60 meilleures parties" un sommet de la littérature échiquéenne.

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