CHESS BITCH Women in the ultimate intellectual sport 
Jennifer Shahade, two time U.S. Women's Chess Champion
Siles Press, Los Angeles, 2005, first edition, hardcover, x+320 pp, 705 grams, condition: very fine, NEW.
"Jennifer Shahade, herself a two time US Women's Chess Champion and Women's Grand Master, writes about women in competitive chess and their successes and limitations. She covers women in the 20th and 21st centuries who have played at the highest levels of chess professionally, including her own competitions and games.
Several women were familiar like the Polgar sisters: Judit, Susan and Sofia who were trained by their father Laslzo to be chess champions through a rigorous focus on chess theory and competition.
Many others were new to mean particularly women's chess players from the eastern European state of Georgia who for many years dominated women's chess. Shahade also covers the rising stars coming out of China, where chess is supported by that nation much like men were supported in the Soviet Union.
Shahade analyzes the reasons, both true and false, given for the reason why women have not done as well as men in chess. Mostly it seems that it comes down to have opportunity to devote oneself to the game. Shahade notes that at least in the case of the Polgar sisters, particularly Judit, that women can compete on an equal basis with men.
Recommended for those who enjoy reading the history of chess and the lives of those who devote their skills to it."
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