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Nimzowitsch: Die Blockade (1925) - Signed 
With a very special dedication from Nimzowitsch
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Nimzowitsch: Die Blockade (1925)
With a very special dedication from Nimzowitsch
"First restrain, then blockade, finally destroy!" The Blockade reflect on the chessboard the military thinking of the day, warfare and strangulation, as exemplified in the recently concluded First World War.
The dedication says:
Motto, Dediceret til Hr K. Schjörring!
Die Dummheit und Gemeinheit der Masse - Das ist Die stärskste "Blockade".
A. Nimzowitsch.
Motto, Dedicated to Mr. K. Schjörring. (Probably Knud Schjørring)
The stupidity and meanness of the masses - that is the strongest "blockade".
A. Nimzowitsch.
49 pages.
L/N 1432.
Language: German.
Schachverlag Bernhard Kagan, Berlin 1925.
Condition: Publisher's softback. Slight wear. Paper browned. Corners are slightly bumped. Cover is soiled. Few penned annotations inside. Exlibris (Jens Enevoldsen).
Approx. unpacked weight: 120 g.
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