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Czech chess literature 1806-1945, annotated bibliography, one of 125 copies

500+ entries

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Price 80,00 € EUR ( )
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Remaining Time 297 Days, 04:13:44
chessbookshop Prostejov, Czech Republic CZ
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Czech chess literature 1806-1945

Annotated bibliogaphy, by Karel Mokry

500+ entries, 2nd ed. 2015

published 125 +10 signed copies

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Mokry, Karel: Ceska sachova literatura 1806-1945 (limited edition).

Prostejov, self-edition, 2015. Second, much enlarged and revised edition, XXIV + 288 pages. Hardcover. Large octavo (23.5 cm). In Czech with 9-page introduction in English. 615 grams. Published 125 numbered copies + 10 unnumbered copies. All copies signed by author. Book code 6619.

New book:  no flaws.

An annotated bibliography of chess literature in Czech language published before 1946. The description contains more than 500 entries, of which ca 260+ are books, 34 magazines and 200+ chess columns in non-chess periodicals. Detailed index in the end.

Comparing to the First edition from 2006, the Second edition is much enlarged - it has for 120 pages more and it is of larger size. 60 new entries were added and many items (ca 150) are revised or updated. The book is in Czech language but includes a small Czech-English vocabulary with ca 100 most frequent terms and also the complete introduction appears simultaneously in Czech and English (9 pages).

The 26-page pdf sample is available here:




Insured free shipping worldwide

Note: sending to the UK is now somewhat problematic. If you are from the UK and want to bid, please email me first.

Postage EUR (insurance included). Item weight 650g





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Complete information about book description, postage and payment methods is on our website www.chessbookshop.com in the left column.

Questions are welcome, I shall answer immediately or the same day. If you need an additional information or if you have any questions, please email me to: karel@chessbookshop.com

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