Our member Capa64's auction is now in progress and will end on 16 February
Een Hulde aan Jhr. Dr. Dirk van Foreest * A Tribute to 
door- by Lod. Prins
De Tijdstroom, Lochem, 1945, in Dutch language, hardback, 71 pp, 240 grams, with 69 diagrams, a portait of Dirk van Foreest, 4 chess problems, 10 annotated games. Condition: good-/fair.
Jonkheer Dirk van Foreest (3 May 1862 – 24 February 1956) was a Dutch chess master. The elder brother of Arnold van Foreest, he thrice won Dutch Championship (in 1885, 1886, and 1887). He also took fifth place in 1884 and took second place, behind Rudolf Loman, in 1888. He is the great-great-granduncle of Jorden van Foreest, who won the Dutch Championship in 2016. By profession, van Foreest was a medical doctor, and Max Euwe once said he could have been World Champion if he had dedicated himself fully to chess.
On the occasion of the 80th birhtday of Dirk van Foreest, Lodewijk Prins wrote this book.
"When, after resigning from my practice, I settled in Bussum in August 1928 and had much free time at my disposal, I collected the most important games of numerous games that I had played and noted down during my student years, in a loose-leaf book and provided them with comments. It was only for my own pleasure that I started that collection and I had absolutely no intention of publishing it then or later, being fully aware that little value may be attached to the perhaps slightly more than average chess performances of an amateur. But things turned out differently than I had thought.
The Board of the Dutch Chess Federation expressed the wish a few years ago, when I was honored in the National Chess Building in The Hague on the occasion of my eightieth birthday, that, as soon as circumstances would permit, some of my games from that collection, further commented on by prominent people in the field of chess, would appear in print (See Journal of the Dutch Chess Federation, May 1942, the article by Mr. Eggink). This has now happened". -Dr. Dirk van Foreest
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