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Perception and Memory in Chess, by Adriaan D. de Groot & Fernard Gobet

Studies in the Heuristics of the Rrofessional Eye

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  Van Gorcum,  Assen - NL,1996, first edition, paperback, 15,5x24cm, xix+315 pp, 645 grams, condition: very fine, as NEW. 

This study consists of two main parts, followed by a brief discussion between

the two authors. De Groot first explains a few basic issues in memory

experimentation; he argues that recall experiments with complex chess positions

had better be considered primarily as experiments in problem solving. He then

reports on, and re-analyses findings of a broad experimental study, thus far

unpublished in English, made in collaboration with his former student Rickend

W. Jongman in the late sixties. This work is of special interest by his use of

original experimental procedures and analytic tools, such as position guessing

experiments, achievement measured as amount of information transferred (Chs.

2 and 3), and qualitative analysis of retrospective protocols (Ch. 4).

In the second part of the book, Gobet discusses recent results in chess research

within cognitive psychology (Ch.5). Chapter 6 and 7 are devoted to analyses on

eye movement data as parallel data, including the congruence between eye

fixations, retrospective protocols and the number and location of pieces

correctly replaced. Finally (Ch. 8), a computer model of chess memory and

perception is presented, which integrates in a unified model several earlier

proposals as well as some of Jongman's recommendations of incorporating

problem solving routines in simulation programs of chess memory. The program

offers a good fit to the empirical data described in the earlier chapters of the

book. In the conclusion, the two authors discuss their different theoretical

views and delineate zones of agreement.

Adrianus Dingeman (Adriaande Groot (26 October 1914 – 14 August 2006) was a Dutch chess master and psychologist, who conducted some of the most famous chess experiments of all time in the 1940s-60. In 1946 he wrote his thesis Het denken van den schaker, which in 1965 was translated into English and published as Thought and choice in chess. De Groot played for the Netherlands in the Chess Olympiads of 1937 and 1939. In 1973 he became member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Fernand Gobet (born February 12, 1962, in Switzerland) is a cognitive scientist and a cognitive psychologist, currently Professorial Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and Professor of Cognitive Psychology at the University of Roehampton. His research interests focus on the study of cognition. Gobet is also an International Master, and played numerous times for the Swiss national team. He was co-editor of the Swiss Chess Review from 1981 to 1989.

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