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Schach unter der lupe * Chess under the microscope *

von Fritz Hoffmann & Johannes Hoffmann

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Current Price 5,00 € EUR ( )
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Remaining Time 27 Days, 15:23:46
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Sportverlag Berlin, Leipzig,1986, first edition, in German language, hardback, 10,5x15 cm, 149 pp, 180 grams, condition: very good. Mainly for philatelists.

In 1947, a set of five sports stamps was issued in Bulgaria to mark the Balkan Games, including the first ever stamp with a chess piece, a knight. Since then, thousands chess stamps have been issued worldwide, and chess motifs have become a worthwhile and sought-after collector's item. CHESS UNDER THE LUPE contains information on all chess stamps issued to date. They are arranged in chronological order, and great importance is attached to true-to-color reproduction. Variations are indicated in the text, so that a comprehensive compilation of all stamps with chess motifs issued, a treat for philatelists and chess fans.

CHESS UNDER THE LUPE also conveys interesting and useful information about the history of chess: about the legend surrounding the origins of chess and about historical facts, about personalities in chess history and about rule changes and transformations, about chess machines and chess computers, about problem and fairytale chess. Whatever has been examined is presented in an entertaining, informative and stimulating way. Some of the most beautiful problems from the past and present challenge you to puzzle over and find solutions. There is no doubt that CHESS UNDER THE LUPE simply enables you to delve into the phenomenon of chess in many different ways and to discover its inherent beauty.

Item # 525666
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