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Ekipni Sampionati Jugoslavije u Sahu
Ekipni Sampionati Jugoslavije u Sahu 
The Yugoslav Team Chess Championships 1946-1979
- Sold Winning Bid: 14,00 € EUR
- 1 Bid(s) View Bid History
- High Bidder: tchigo
Editor: Liga-odbor Sahovskog savera Jugoslavije i sahovski klub "GOSA", Beograd 1980, in Serbian language, 330 pp, 650 grams, condition: good. In the first interior page there is the signature of GM Vladimir Kostic (born in 1953), unless it is from another synonym -see photo 2-.
All the team championships from 1946 to 1979. Analytical results, crosstables, 450 games, some annotated, many photos, etc. Great players like Gligoric, Ivkov, Ljubojevic, Matulovic, Velimirovic, Parma, Kurajica, Rabar, Vukovic S., Vidmar (ml), Kostic, Trifunovic,Maric, Pirc, etc. Great historical value for the Yugoslav and European chess.
Item # 536753
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